October 8, 2014

Zucchini Tots for Kiddos

My daughter is 3 and a very "visual eater". She will thoroughly look something over before deciding "I don't like it". Mostly when it comes to veggies or anything green. I am so thankful for Juice Plus .. it gives her a FULL serving of fruits and veggies everyday. I still try and find ways to get her in teh habit of eating new vegetables. So I try to mask the veggie in a smoothie or a dish, or I just tell her she has to try at least one... 8/10 she ends up liking the new vegetable.

I made her some Zucchini Tots  as a fun way to incorporate a vegetable. She helped me which is always a great way to get kids to eat something. THey are more willing to try something new if they had a hand in creating it.

Recipe was adapted from Skinnytaste  I doubled so that I had leftovers to freeze.

1 cup packed grated zucchini
1 L egg (freerange or organic)
1/4 cup cheese ( I have used cheddar, but want to try mozzarella)
1/4 cup breadcrumbs ( whole wheat/ homemade if possible)
Dried Italian Seasoning (look for Salt free)

Grate Fresh Zucchini into a clean dish towel, or even paper towel. Wring out all of the water from the zucchini. There will be a lot.
Combine ingredients in a bowl. Mix well.. I used my hands for best mixing, I wore a disposable glove.
Make little ovals with hands and place on sprayed baking sheet. Cook in reheated 350 degree oven for about 18 minutes, flipping halfway. They should be a crisp golden color.

Can serve with ketchup if you must. Make sure its a natural ketchup with no high fructose corn syrup!

September 7, 2014

Low carb pizza crust

I am currently on a No Cheat Days til Spain kick, and so far it has work out. I mean I was still having one cheat day a week up until last week which puts me at 2 weeks out from my trip. I came home from work and a strenuous leg workout.. I was wiped out!! I really wanted pizza, and my body worked so hard it was craving something so I created a healthier lower carb pizza crust and satisfied my craving without really cheating. I mean it was 100% clean but after that workout I needed to refuel my body!

Lower Carb Pizza Crust (makes a pizza for one)
1/3 cup of Almond Flour
1 whole egg
1/2 tbs EVOO
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp baking soda

dMix together.. the "dough" will be runny so you may think its wrong... but pour into a pan and spread it pretty thin..
Bake for 10-15 minutes
Top with healthy toppings of your choice and bake until cheese is melted!

I topped with a low sugar Organic Marinara sauce
Part Skim Mozzarella
Turnkey Pepperoni
 (have not tried with egg whites yet, stay tuned or someone try and let us know)